Saturday, March 7, 2009

Working on My Latest Project.

My work is in the radio business. I am very aware of where the industry is going. I see the future as all digital and not by any means terrestrial.

What do I mean. I will go on the record saying regular radio is going to change as we know it. The beginnings of it on now available. Content will be king and access over the Internet via terrestrial signals or via the regular Internet will how radio is received.

No one will listen on a portable radio, they will use their phone, or what will be an all in one device. Phone, camera, radio, music, video, book reader, portable computer, and anything else you want it to be. Japan is already doing much of that. I'm sorry to say we in the USA are behind at least a generation in technology. China, Japan, Singapore, etc. are way ahead.

But don't be disheartened by this news, only keep in mind that technology is fleeting. The real truth is ideas that matter and how you present them.

Truth is also fleeting unless you have a strong sources to draw from. Find them and hang on to them and they will the anchors in you life you need. It's also OK to find a new one everything once now and then, just have a few that are strong enough to hold during any time.

What I am working on is an Internet radio station called Messianic Voice. Torah based yet acknowledging who messiah is. I know many Jews can understand it; how the Torah does point to messiah. What is the problem for most Jews is they can't accept who I feel is the messiah.

I didn't grow up as a Jew even thou I knew I was one. Later in life I found I needed more in my life. I could have avoided so many problem is I had been Torah Observant.

Needless to say I am in the throngs of getting this new Internet Only radio station up and running. It is all Talk and no music to include anything that would require paying royalties.

It is a project we are trying to keep within budget and playing music would require potential thousands of dollars in royalty fees.

We do invite you to check out the site, but we are just testing it right now. We hope within a week or so to post an announcement that we are ready for the public.

The testing phase is exciting as we know all the problems that can happen and we look to ways to prevent them. We also have had a streaming problem for a week, this is all new to our office and so we need to get thru this stage. Who knows were it will leed to and that is exciting too.

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